Saturday's Follies....
What happens when you're so focused on trying to figure out why Becky's truck won't start and hell-bent on finding a solution? Well, of course you lock your keys in your truck, with the engine running!
Early Saturday morning, after a great breakfast with the kids in Becky's new "hood", we head back to the East Side for one of the main purposes of our trip. Becky's having problems with her vehicle. After checking out the "sometimes-will-start, sometimes-not, syndrome", it's painstakingly clear it's the alternator. So, Russ and Nanook take the battery out of Becky's truck; switch it out with the one in Nanook's truck in preparation to drive it out to the house. (As the Grinch says, "I'll fix it up there.... and bring it back here...and his fib fooled the child and he patted her head and he gave her a drink and sent her to bed - whoops - wrong story!) So they hook up the jumper cables, jumpstart the old battery, make sure both trucks are running, put the wrenches and cables away and we're set to go. (Yes, I get to drive the truck home - YIKES - a TRUCK??? - I'm a girl!!!)
We all hug good-bye and, because it's cold and miserable out, we're all excited that Nanook's truck is all warmed up! Oh wait - yes it's all warmed up but it's also LOCKED up! 45 minutes later, and after a response from the Milwaukee Police Department that "no" they will not come out to unlock the vehicle, we make a quick call to a locksmith. And of course, we are able to capture yet another embarassing photo of Nanook.
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