Saturday, February 25, 2006

Nurse Practitioner Has Sex in the Dark with 80 students...

Rumor has it, that recently, a well-respected N.P. (Nurse Practitioner) had sex in the dark with 80 college students!
According to my sources, she was asked to assist with a program sponsored by a prominent college in the area, called "Sex In the Dark". The program is designed to assist young college students with questions about sex and sexuality. In this program, the lights are turned off and questions are written by the students and read out loud. It is a non-threatening environment where the students can have their questions answered by a professional, without fear of embarassment or reprisal by their peers.
It starts out with a lot of kisses. Heshey's, of course. (Doesn't it usually start that way?) On to questions, laughter, embarassed giggles and truth. Truth about what college kids need to know and might be embarassed to ask their friends or family. It IS education.
When asked about how she felt about that night, she simply said: "Well, it was at late - after a full day's work, I was tired. I admit I had to have a few drinks. So, I downed a few 24 oz. bottles of Mountian Dew to keep me awake, cuz even though I was going to have sex in the dark with 80 kids, I surely didn't want to sleep with them!"


At 5:32 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I was getting ready to be VERY offended according to the title alone! Very interesting story.. I'm glad she was able to help those college students..

At 8:51 PM, Blogger Vision Master's Wife said...

I'm glad you weren't offended. It was a tongue-in-cheek story about someone very close to me who was recruited by her daughter, who is the Resident Director of the college to do this class.

It's a great way to help educate - and they are both "ALL ABOUT THAT!"

Education can be fun - I think people learn more in her clases and lectures because of the humor!

Good Luck to you!


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