Sunday, April 30, 2006

Saturday's Follies....

What happens when you're so focused on trying to figure out why Becky's truck won't start and hell-bent on finding a solution? Well, of course you lock your keys in your truck, with the engine running!

Early Saturday morning, after a great breakfast with the kids in Becky's new "hood", we head back to the East Side for one of the main purposes of our trip. Becky's having problems with her vehicle. After checking out the "sometimes-will-start, sometimes-not, syndrome", it's painstakingly clear it's the alternator. So, Russ and Nanook take the battery out of Becky's truck; switch it out with the one in Nanook's truck in preparation to drive it out to the house. (As the Grinch says, "I'll fix it up there.... and bring it back here...and his fib fooled the child and he patted her head and he gave her a drink and sent her to bed - whoops - wrong story!) So they hook up the jumper cables, jumpstart the old battery, make sure both trucks are running, put the wrenches and cables away and we're set to go. (Yes, I get to drive the truck home - YIKES - a TRUCK??? - I'm a girl!!!)

We all hug good-bye and, because it's cold and miserable out, we're all excited that Nanook's truck is all warmed up! Oh wait - yes it's all warmed up but it's also LOCKED up! 45 minutes later, and after a response from the Milwaukee Police Department that "no" they will not come out to unlock the vehicle, we make a quick call to a locksmith. And of course, we are able to capture yet another embarassing photo of Nanook.

I can only laugh and recall the old days when dad or bro' Bill would be working on my Monzarati (heh-heh) to get it running. Back in those days they just sprayed ether on the butterfly-valve or something, watch the flames shoot up, burn a few eyebrows and it was good to go.
Life cycles, once again.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Tulips are Blooming!

(Above) Other people's tulips.
(Below) ...My tulip.

The only tulip in bloom so far in OUR garden. Yes, he cut it, put it in a vase, taking it off display from the front garden!

A little rain and I'm sure the rest will follow. And the bunnies and deer will have a good meal. cycles. Enough said.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Better than a flabongo!

Okay, so we're puzzled. When I got home from work today, I was greeted by this awesome majestic bird known as a "flamingo" nestled in a corner. Oh, how sweet - Nanook bought this for me for my birthday. Perfect for the Jimmy Buffett concert! When Nanook got home he said, "Where did you get that awesome flamingo? Perfect for the Jimmy Buffett concert! I love it!" it's a mystery. Where DID it come from? A neighbor? A fellow Parrot-Head? Some psycho bird-lover?
We were on a mission to find out. Of course, we interrogated the cat immediately. "Who brought this in while we were gone?" we demanded. He wouldn't speak. So... we wouldn't feed him. He begged. WE begged. He meowed. WE cajoled. WE petted him. He whined. Come'on Milo - who delivered this gift? Smugly, he sauntered off to his food bowl. "I can eat crumbs", he meowed.
He's not giving it up for anything. So, out on the deck (with help) he flew, to consider his options. Either 'fess up, Milo, or watch us eat our dinner. He watched. We pondered. Now this is not a dollar store flamingo. It's a work of art. Of course we're curious. VERY curious...
..and if I recall correctly, Milo..."CURIOSITY" killed the cat.
(Think of your brother below, poor, poor, Muffin...)
(Anyone want to 'fess up and save Milo's paltry little life?)

Thursday, April 06, 2006 it's called "networking"....

So Nanook reports today that the "convention" went well. A ONE day convention???? Why aren't you home tonight? Apparently the rest of the convention is filled with "networking" opportunities. Yuck - small talk with people you don't know. I admire that in him - he's so good at that! (Okay, I don't talk to people unless they facsinate me in some way :)
So tomorrow is a visit to one of his customer's operations, which his company sponsored, then off to "network" on the golf course. Oh...."NETWORKING" and the answer to the "odd sized suitcase" question. I'll enjoy our 40 and 50 degree weather, while he soaks up the sun and basks in 75-80 degrees!!!
Gotta love the guy - the sun shines eternally on this hard working man - well deserved!
Love ya, Nanook!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Aren't you going on a "business" trip, Nanook...?

So he's ready to go, and I ask him - "what 'cha got in that big long suitcase, honey...Tools? Product samples? Special equipment for the display at the convention? What???"
He calmly replies: "'s my golf clubs."
And I thought you were WORKING, Nanook!!!
Must be nice. A paycheck, frequent flier miles, dinner out every night, mints on the pillows, turndown service AND golf. If only I had those demands at MY job!!!
What a life!