Saturday, July 16, 2005

It's getting to be "Groundhog Day" again...

At the base of Kupol Rock. If it weren't for these guys (and Luda) our days would be pretty lackluster. A fun group!
Thrill of the first trip was great - now its ground hog day (like the movie) for 11 more days. The plant ran great today and the concrete is within specifications. The training is going well which make the days seem longer. Thank heavens for Ernie and Luda in the Container with me, otherwise the days would really be long.
Did I mention the day was boring, slow and just plain icky? It snowed in Bilibino today and was so cold here I had everything on except the parka. Tonight it warmed up and the wind stopped and all I have on is a sweat shirt. Man, the weather is strange here.

Did I mention only 11 more days...? I really miss you. I'm going to go "read". (Beth's code word for taking a nap!)



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