Monday, June 06, 2005

Work Ethics

Learning a lot about the Russian psyche, and tomorrow I will make sure we do not repeat the mistakes of today. The plant produced concrete today with a lot of small problems. We worked through the 3:00 break and missed the bus back to camp at 6:00pm.

What we learned was that unless instructed, the crew will not do anything!!! (Except take the 3:00 break and make the 6:00 bus back to camp, no matter what mess is left behind.) Larry, Tony, another guy and I were left to clean the mixer, the Zoom Boom (their name for the All Terrain Forklift with the extension boom) and 1 yard concrete bucket.

Our shift foreman, Valarie, drove by and instead of offering to help pointed to his watch and said he would return in ½ hour. The ½ hour went by - then another 15 minutes, so we started walking the 1 ½ miles back to camp. About half way back, we met him just flying up the hill to meet us. Due to the size of the man, we all agreed he ate dinner FIRST, then came to get us.

Tomorrow will be our day for payback. WE SHALL OVER COME!!!


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