Dear Nanook, I'm sending you a little picture of me, because I think you might have forgotten that I'm still here waiting for my belly-rubs from you. You never talk about me in your letters, so I don't want you to forget that I am still lying around doing nothing, afraid of everything and waiting for your return.
Dear Milo,
Your typing is great, thanks for holding the fort down while I out of town. Please make sure your litter box is clean before I get home.
...ya, she's been slackin' on the ol' litter box. Usually makes me go outside, but I'm afraid of those evil workmen that come around. Then I have to sneak on over to the neighbors and hope they don't think I'm a ferral cat and shoot me. It sucks to be me.
I've decided to take up residence at Cee's. She doesn't call me an otter, and she tells me I'm pretty. SHE doesn't think I'm overweight because she has weight issues of her own. (She grunts too when she lays down.)
Also, she has bird...MMmmmmmmmm
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