Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dancing in the Dark

While visiting us at Thanksgiving, Bill decided that he could dance to his favorite song titled "I'm Too Sexy". Gotta love the entertainment value he provides!
Click on the link below:

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The "Righting Reflex"

I wish I would have read this article before we had dinner with our dear friends, Diane and Dave this weekend. (Quite possibly before I picked up Bandit a few months ago also) Sorry dogs. I didn't realize you don't have the "Righting Reflex", like cats do. I'm still learning.
The Righting Reflex

The uniqueness of the cat's skeleton is one of the reasons cats land on their feet and can right themselves so quickly. Cats do not have a collarbone, and the bones in their backbone have more mobility than in many other animals. For these reasons, cats have free movement of their front legs and they can easily bend and rotate their bodies. This allows them to land feet first. Another component is the vestibular apparatus, which is responsible for their great balance. This tiny fluid-filled organ is located deep in a cat's inner ear and is composed of small chambers and canals lined with millions of sensitive hairs and filled with fluid and tiny floating crystals. As a cat falls, or even moves, the vestibular apparatus becomes active, giving readings on the body's position and helping to register which way is up. Their feet and legs can cushion the impact. This righting reflex begins to appear at 3-4 weeks of age, and is perfected at 7 weeks.
Poor "Buddy" will never be the same.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Wet and Wild

While we enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, the dogs were relegated to the outdoors.
Jason had to hose down Mable and Bandit before letting them in. Apparently they think rolling around in another dog's waste is great payback for not getting any turkey.

Bandit doesn't like having his picture taken right after he steps out of the shower.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Cats can protect, too...

Today ( finally) I pull out dad's Old Navy sweatshirt and decide it's time to wear it. I bought it for him years ago, cuz he was in the Navy, of course. It must have been pretty many years ago though, as I remember hearing the story about the day he went to Pius H.S. to take balloons to Luvee for her birthday. All her friends thought that he was so cool, cuz he had on something from "Old Navy"! It had also been a staple in his wardrobe since then.
So I reach for the sweatshirt and find Sammy with a protective arm on it. It was almost like she was asking me if I was really ready to wear "dad's sweatshirt" today. But I was. And it felt good.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Playing the banjo

Some men will try anything to impress a girl in a bar!

Shouldn't have worn the Packer shirts this weekend.

Is that salmon spread I smell....? Everyone is served snacks during the game!

"List Your Accomplishments" and other difficult questions...

This morning, while filling out an online job application, I came across a question that I just didn't know how to answer:

Q: Please list your accomplishments in this position:

I couldn't think of one single thing! Seriously! So I gave them the only answer I knew for a fact:
A: I got out of bed every day.

Here are a few more questions I wasn't sure I answered correctly:

Q: What is your work objective:
A: To leave the house at the same time every day so my neighbors don't think I'm a slacker.

Q: What was your reason for leaving?
A: Not enough drawer space for my lipstick and carmex.

Q: In which state do you reside?
A: Dual residency in Anxiety and Depression, with occasional trips to Incredible Sadness

Q: What type of position do you feel would be a best fit for you?
A: Circus Freak Show

I don't think I'll get the job. Gotta work on those application questions.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Dear Dad,

I missed you a lot today.


Betty Bop

It's time to write about my favorite tree. When dad was first diagnosed and we learned it was terminal, I used to sit out on the deck and allow myself to be sad. I would just stare into the woods not really seeing anything. And then I would look at my favorite tree and allow the tears to flow. It's a tall cottonwood tree that shimmers and glimmers when the sun is setting, especially in late summer and early fall. I had always thought to myself - when I die I want to be looking at that tree. The leaves always fluttered so gently with the wind.

One night as I sat on the deck thinking about dad, there was this heavy, angry wind that started to blow. A storm was coming. I watched the limbs and leaves on the trees in the woods start to sway back and forth with a vengance, as they do with an approaching summer storm. When I looked up at my favorite tree though, the leaves just fluttered peacefully. It was August 16th. I knew it wasn't dad's time yet. Not tonight. So it was okay.

The morning that dad died, there was a thick fog blanketing the city. It was very quiet. As the fog lifted it only revealed clouds and drizzle. When I got home that night, Terry said, "honey, come look at your tree." The sun had come out. Just a little. Just enough to shine on that tree. And the leaves shimmered and glimmered.

And today, that's all I know.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

That's our Beck-ster

Have to share the e-mail we received from Becky recently. This kind of stuff happens to her all the time - and she's always able to laugh about it. (reprinted with her permission, of course!)

Hello family! Just a few "fellabaumism"s for you. I learned a few good lessons this weekend and wanted to share.

Lesson #1:
When giving an alarm clock as a gift, make sure to turn the alarm off BEFORE you wrap it. I decided to get Jason a new alarm clock for his birthday (one that had a dimmer, "that clock is just too damn bright!") and wanted to make sure that it worked before I gave it to him. So, at 6:00 AM this morning I awoke to a"crazy beeping noise", and because I am crazy myself (and half asleep), I assumed it was the carbon monoxide detector that, by the way is still in its' package, and freaked out. Poor Jason was stumbling around the house, in the dark, trying to locate the "crazy beeping noise" and happened to find it, all wrapped up in lovely birthday paper, HIDDEN in the spare bedroom. Turns out that instead of just making sure that the alarm clock was working properly, I set it for 6:00 AM on a Sunday morning! Needless to say, Jason got to open his gifts earlier that expected.

Lesson #2: When singing at the top of your lungs (to Chaka Kahn of course), make sure that you are not being recorded in your friends voice mailbox. Apparently, little old me forgot to HANG THE PHONE UP after leaving my lovely friend Nicholas a message on his cell phone, on my way to work, rocking out to Ms. Kahn.

I also happen to work with him, and much to my surprise, all of my coworkers received a free concert (about 2 minutes in length) given by, none other than me. I was not singing quietly. I was not singing in tune. I did think that I was a large, black, very talented and soulful singer (a.k.a Chaka Kahn). MORTIFYING. Anyway, I hope that these "fellabaumism"s brought a smile to your beautiful faces. I hope that you are well and NOT humiliating yourselves.

Love you, Becky

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Don't Tell My Husband...

I usually don’t hang out in bars. Not my style, really, but last night I was ready to forget my day as a domestic diva. I went to this little bar that just opened up in our neighborhood.

The bartender was adorable. I ended up spending the night with him.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Thank You Veterans

In 1918, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day in the eleventh month, the world rejoiced and celebrated. After four years of bitter war, an armistice was signed. The "war to end all wars" was over.
On November 4, 2006 the Veterans Day Parade kicked off Veterans Awareness Week in downtown Milwaukee.

Our favorite veteran wasn't with us in person this year. We think he was busy making sure that everyone was lined up and stepping off in cadance from his post above. Because it was chilly, Mom looked for a hat to wear and saw dad's Veterans Day Parade Cap. Yep - that will work! Isn't she adorable???

Lamster Newmann Post 2787, minus one this year.

Thank You Veterans!

God Bless our Troops - We Pray for Your Safe Return

Friday, November 10, 2006

Another soldier writes home....

We came across a letter recently, written from a soldier who was recoperating at Norfolk Navel Hospital:

"Dear Pop,

Hello again, what's new? Haven't written any letters for a few days now, guess I am too busy learning to walk again. My ankles are so darn sore these last two days that I can hardly stand on them. I am going to apply for a leave Monday. Even tho I can't walk real good, getting home in that condition is better than not getting home at all - right?

Aunt Della, Uncle Jack and Betty sent me a delicious box of candy day before yesterday, and I couldn't eat hardly any of it cause most of it was rich chocolate. The nurse and some of my buddies had a good time on it tho.

Toots Burkhardt wrote me today telling me that there should be a package of candy for me about the same time as the letter arrived - but I didn't get it today - maybe tomorrow. She stopped in to talk to mom and said something about sending me a box of chocolates, but mom told her that I couldn't eat them, so she said that she would send nuts or sumpin'.

Mom asked me to send you the enclosed pictures that she sent me last week. They are pretty good. That Dan is getting to be a big guy, so is Jack as far as that's concerned.

I finally caught up with some of my clothes and gear that I had aboard ship. There is an awful lot of stuff missing and I am going to growl at someone until I get it back.

I figure that I will be about ready for duty in a couple of weeks or longer. As soon as I get the kinks out of my chassis I should be okay except for the weight that I lost.

Boy if I don't get a leave I am going to be one mad pob. (?) Mom is planning a lot on my coming home, I wouldn't want to disappoint her.

Well, Pops, gotta close for tonight, will try to write again soon.

Bye for now,

Son "Kip"

The letter was dated November 21st, 1942.
The soldier was my dad after being injured on the USS Algorab in the Pacific.

Good Grief!

Apparently a few of the churches that the family attends have designated November as a month of remembrance for all that have lost loved ones in the last year. I missed the service at St. Matthias last week, but knowing it was the least I could do to honor dad, attended one at Lourdes last night with mom and Sam. Well, kind of...

It started out with a liturgical dancer. (Liturgical dance is a form of “liquid prayer”, I learned.) She danced her way up the aisle with lit incense. I thought – oh, this might be really nice. A small choir with some really awesome voices sang before the program began. It was beautiful. So glad I came – relaxing, calm, comforting. That is, until they started singing some song about “I will always be with you…blah, blah, blah…” and that was it for me. After drenching some Kleenex, I decided there was no way I was going to take a chance on sniveling through an entire hour in front of other people. I stepped out.

So while the singing continued, candles were lit and names of loved ones were being read, I wandered the halls like some freak-show dabbing tears and reading all the literature they had posted on the walls. ("Vote NO! for the Death Penalty", "Does Your Child Have AHDH?" "Where to Buy Non-Sweatshop Clothing" "Did the Easter Bunny Really Get Hit by a Beer Truck?" etc.) Then I see a rack of pamphlets on “Grief”. Grief??? I don’t need no stinkin’ Grief!!!

When it was almost over, one of the ladies that was sitting in the back of church came out to get ready for the coffee and cookies reception that would follow. She sees me and asks me if I'm okay. Oh..uh, yes - I'm fine, I'm fine, I snivel. (My eyes are always almost swollen shut and I usually only wear make-up on half my face!) Then she wants to hug me. Oh NO. I push back. She was a rather large, buxom woman and won. Now I'm being crushed by the church lady! Come in and have a cup of coffee. Oh, NO. Really, I'm fine. (LEAVE ME ALONE)

So people start coming out and mom and Sam see me and tell me they have my coat, which I left behind during my getaway. I smiled brightly and said, "WELL! Wasn't THAT fun!" They both laugh. People are filing out behind them and I say - NOW I remember why I don't go to church. It's the music!" I bet there will be a lot of prayers at Lourdes for MY soul after that comment.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Switching Focus on September 1st

Last Day at Work
It was a tough decision, but it was right for me.
Mom offered me $8/day AND unlimited time off.
Of course there was that part about being able to spend dad's final days with him ... I wouldn't have traded it for the world.

My co-workers baked a cake and well, it was in the shape of lips! Now who would have thought one of them would really have a lip shaped cake pan?????
Knowing them as I did, I shouldn't have been surprised at all...
Apparently my addiction to Carmex and lipstick prompted them to let me know how much they will miss watching me "slick up my lips" every day.
(I carry no less than 4 colors in my purse, and yes, CJ that IS verifiable!)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Legal Cat House...

Yes, it's true....I have the potential to become the "cat lady"...

22 years ago, I met a wonderful man. I knew he was the one. The first time I was invited to his home, I learned he had a cat. Sitting in front of a beautiful fire with romance on our minds, I suddendly realized that there was a big hairy animal staring at us. Muffin the cat.

Growing up with out animals, I've always had what my dad called a "healthy respect" for them. I called it plain old fear. (I used to cross the street to avoid a dog on a leash!)

As I looked into the big blue eyes of the one, all I could think of was "how can I date him? He has a cat!" As things progressed, Muffin and I tolerated each other and soon I was living with this animal called Muffin. About 14 years later, Becky got a little black kitten called Milo. When she moved from one apartment to another, she learned her new place did not allow pets. Having toughed it out with Muffin for so long, and seeing this cute little black thing, to Terry's surprise, I volunteered to take him in. Muffin and Milo never became good friends. A few years ago, Muffin moved into the big litter box in the sky. Milo was in his own version of heaven, too.

This summer, one of Terry's co-workers found some ferral cats - you know the ones that are legal to shoot if you see them skulkin' around? There was a litter of kittens with the mom. So after a few weeks, in apparently what animal people call "pet shelters" we adopted 2 of the kittens, Simon and Sammy. Now, I've also been told that if you have more than 3 cats, you are considered one of those eccentric "cat people". Not looking for a title like that, I'm sticking to the limit.

Sammy and Simon play while Milo tolerates the new kids.

For 2 weeks we kept them in a separate room so they and Milo could get aquainted. (yep, read up on all this nonsense on the Internet to Terry's chagrin!) Once they were released to roam the house, they hid in the storage room downstairs for almost 3 weeks! We could get them upstairs by bribing them with wet cat food. As you can see from the pic above, Milo must have eaten the majority of it.

The kittens have officially taken over the bed. All day. All night. Did you know cats sleep most of the day so that they can leap around like kangaroos all night long? They think human arms and legs are like small diving boards from which to spring. Only tolerable because they are so damn adorable. For now.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

July 21, 2006

Take a gander at these "then and now" photos!

First Annual "Cousin's Night Out"

Looking back, one of the many things that mom and dad gave us was a reason to get together as a family. That meant parties. While holidays and birthdays were always celebrated, mom could always dream up some reason, especially during the summer, to throw a party on the patio.

Of course the grandkids, a/k/a "the cousins" (more often for those that lived in the area) were there too. They learned to party as babies, dance as toddlers and laugh alot. As they grew older, many went off to college or lived too just too far away to attend the patio parties.

But now that almost all of them are over 21, they decided it was time to reconnect – just the cousins. What better reason than their grandpa’s 85th birthday to go out and celebrate family?

Many of them met at the condo to shower Cliffy with birthday wishes and share some love with "The Queen". With directions in the hands of the out-of-towners, they headed down to the East Side to party.

Most of them have been pretty tight lipped about what really went on that night, but my guess is that the partying, laughter and dancing they learned as youngsters was a big part of the night.

And Karen - thank you for the display of modesty, even as a youngster.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Growing up....

Not So Young anymore!

Okay, so they grew up. A lot!

Becky and Jason bought a house in Bay View this summer - a block from the lake. Gutted the whole thing - and are renovating it themselves. I was exhausted just looking at all the work to be done when we first saw it, but I'm not as spry (or ever have been) as they are! Not even after they re-installed the original claw foot tub and new fixtures and unknowingly broke a pipe that leaked through the walls all night long (on to the first floor and basement) had their spirits wavered. It nearly ruined their newly sanded and finished hardwood floors and put an inch of water in the basement! Becky allowed herself only a 15 minute meltdown that day. But, come to think of it, there was another moment of angst when they forgot to put the floor grates back on and Becky watched her mom head into the basement without taking the "normal" route called stairs. Little bumps in the road, but a lot of hard work and love going into that home!

Rusty and Kari also made some decisions in their lives. In June they became engaged. To each other. Apparently they've spent too much time over here and Kari knows too much about the family. Russ can't let her leave with all the intimate knowledge of "palm pilots", "turning on the heaters", and "reading". So she's in. They're planning a July 2007 wedding. We're happy. Plenty of time for us to lose some weight.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Jimmy Buffett

Of course we went to Alpine Valley to see Jimmy this year.

Remembering Taps On Memorial Day 2006

Jack, Terry and the rifle squad from VFW Post 2787. What an honor.

His back is bent and weary.....

"Well, I think you guys did a pretty good job."

Always here for you, Cliffy.

"Now, how are you feeling, dad?"

Cat Scan, Pet Scan, Endoscopy and Diagnosis

Sadly, Easter was about the Last Supper.

My Suitcase

I can't believe it's been almost 6 months since I've updated the blog!

It's been a time of change, incredible sadness and so many insights. In the next few blog entries, I will attempt to shed all this "baggage" that tends to weigh one down, although many of you have been walking right there with me (and my family) and knowingly or not...have helped us carry some of the really heavy pieces. Thank you.

I'm hoping that by updating the blog and getting on with new stories will help unload some of the heavy suitcases and it will just become a matter of carry-on luggage going forward.

So keep an eye on the blog if you like. Who knows who or what odd thoughts will show up!