Nanook Relishes the Snow and Cold
Nanook, in the same clothing he wore in Siberia!
As I handed him the limbs to put on the "deck" tree from the warmth of the house this weekend, he kept telling me that he was "Toasty Warm" out there!!! Oh. Okay. So I put on my winter jacket to help "fluff" the branches. Hmmmm. Apparently, I forgot to place MY order for warm clothing at Cabela's!
And NO, that's not grey hair or a white hat on my head - that would be the SNOW! Next year, let's get this done before winter sets in okay, Nanook??? I hope he doesn't think we're taking it down in January. I think it would be a great Valentine's Day Tree, Easter Tree, and Memorial Day Tree. Maybe even a 4th of July Tree. What do you think???
You both need to quit your jobs so they don't get in the way of getting Christmas decorations up in a milder weather month, like September. On the other hand you may want to consider putting the tree up INSIDE and dragging it outside after is fluffed! Duh!!
Where's your Chanakuh Bush?
Aren't you going to put up a Kwanza something-or-other?!
Why would we put up a Chanakuh Bush? Bush isn't Jewish, is he?
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