Saturday, December 31, 2005

Birthday Wishes...

Happy Birthday, Sam !
For all you do...this post's for you!

Miss Celia's blues.... (Sister)


you been on my mind,

oh sister,

we're two of kind,

so sister,

I'm keeping my eyes on you.

I bet you think I don't know nothin'

but singing the blues,

oh sister,

have I got news for you...

...I'm somethin', and I hope you think that you're something, too...

Sam, you've spent another year caring for so many people - friends, your kids, your family - making them laugh and healing their souls. You're a good kid, Sammy. Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas 2005

Finally getting around to posting some pics from Christmas Eve - Alice, you are the hostess with the "most"ess. Thanks for putting up with the fam!

A big laugh from mom as Terry pulls a fast one , sitting next to dad for the pic instead of next to her!

Alice and Jacqui discussing the miracle of Christmas... or possibly some "Catholic vs. Lutheran" ideals...?
Okay - so who got the BEST white elephant gift THIS year...??? Gee, Al - I think you won! Who wouldn't want to wear a basket on their head?

The girls evaluate the evening's crowd... and my guess is that the jury is still out on THAT one...
Alyssa and Emoni sing Christmas carols with their new kareoke keyboard...

Mom and CJ share a moment. Christmas really IS love.
(But it doesn't mean she's the FAVORITE or anything!!!)

We missed Sam this year - she spent the evening with Aunt Mary Ellen, who passed away on Christmas Eve.
Mary Ellen needed Sam's comforting hand to connect her to God's hand that night. Sam made her feel safe and loved these past few months. A gift in itself.
(May the shoes she buys you in heaven be the right size!)

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Sisters Jane & Bobbie circa 1950's
As kids, on Christmas morning, before we could rush to the presents under the tree, we knelt down in front of the nativity scene and sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus. After all, it's really about Him, isn't it...?
Peace and Joy to all.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Holiday Happenin's....

Bro Bill tries to recapture his childhood by reading "The Grinch" to Karen.

Gotta work on the Boris Karlof voice, Bill!!!! This is not a "Wallace and Grommit" claymation show! (thanks for the introduction to that one!) They arrived last weekend; stayed at the Fellabaum B&B, and left for a few days of skiing in the UP. (just in time for us to change the sheets for Terry's mom's arrival on Tuesday - and in case you're, we didn't put the flannel sheets on this time so that she'd stick to them like velcro again...!)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Happy Birthday Nanook!

Nanook slides by the seat of his pants and makes it through yet another year, despite his banishment to Siberia, major remodeling, and a new job. He's still got the looks and energy of a 29 year old! (except when he returned from Siberia) I don't think he'll hit that mid-life crisis until he's about 75!
Happy Birthday, Terry!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Nanook Relishes the Snow and Cold

Is This Siberia or Wisconsin?

Nanook, in the same clothing he wore in Siberia!

As I handed him the limbs to put on the "deck" tree from the warmth of the house this weekend, he kept telling me that he was "Toasty Warm" out there!!! Oh. Okay. So I put on my winter jacket to help "fluff" the branches. Hmmmm. Apparently, I forgot to place MY order for warm clothing at Cabela's!

And NO, that's not grey hair or a white hat on my head - that would be the SNOW! Next year, let's get this done before winter sets in okay, Nanook??? I hope he doesn't think we're taking it down in January. I think it would be a great Valentine's Day Tree, Easter Tree, and Memorial Day Tree. Maybe even a 4th of July Tree. What do you think???

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Eternal Vigilance - Pearl Harbor

Today let us remember those who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor. A reminder that we must remain vigilant.

Thinking about you today dad, as a young Naval Officier who witnessed the horrors of WWII and provided support for those who died on this tragic day in 1941.

Today, you continue to honor your comrades by providing Military Honors Funerals for our veterans. You painstakinly clean and prepare the weapons for firing, make the necessary calls to recruit your comrades, and make sure that Old Glory is waiving at the funeral home and grave sites. We salute you and all those who serve to protect on this solomn day.

USS Arizona Memorial
Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941
As Americans, we are blessed. We have had few attacks on our homeland from enemy forces since the Revolutionary War. The most recent and the one that most quickly comes to mind is the attack on New York City and Washington, D.C., on September 11, 2001. Sixty years earlier, however, another equally devastating attack occurred—on December 7, 1941—the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawai’i.

War and combat of any kind are bound to change nations and societies. But the Pearl Harbor attack remains notable in the annals of history because it changed the entire world as a result of America’s involvement in World War II (WWII). Not only did thousands of people lose their lives in the attack on Hawai’i, millions more across the Pacific and the globe died, were wounded, or were displaced in the aftermath of WWII.
There are innumerable American families who can recount the impact of WWII and Pearl Harbor on their family history.

“I can’t remember just what I saw first—the bomb as it hit the Arizona, the hangar on Ford Island that was lifted up so high that I could see daylight under it, or the USS Utah that was about 30Þ as it was rolling over… I was in the line of fire.” – Ansil “Sandy” Saunders, Pearl Harbor survivor, USS Raleigh, Arizona Memorial Museum Association founder
“We didn’t know what it was all about. It was just a normal Sunday. Then boom! This crash…and whenI looked, my arm was hanging…” – Ellen Higuchi, civilian Pearl Harbor survivor
The future of mankind depends on learning the lessons of history. With every tragic event, we learn and grow. But learning can only happen if the lessons of history are not forgotten.
So we must memorialize. We must record those lessons. We must share them with others.We must remember.

Our forefathers made admirable attempts to help us remember. In 1952, a plaque mounted on a ten-foot-high basalt stone was dedicated to the memory of the 1,177 American servicemen killed on the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941. It was the first permanent memorial at Pearl Harbor.
From that humble beginning, the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor, Hawai’i, was born. Today, it is one of the most recognized and most visited memorials in America. Since its dedication in 1962, approximately 40 million visitors from all nations have come to the Memorial in a spirit of remembrance, reflection and reconciliation.

Straddling the sunken battleship USS Arizona in the waters of Pearl Harbor, the Memorial stands as a perpetual reminder of the tragedy. It holds different meanings for the millions who visit: as a tribute to those who died on the ship, in the overall Pearl Harbor attack, and in World War II in the Pacific; as a reminder of America’s need for eternal vigilance; as a symbol of hope for peace among nations; and as a testament to the tragedy of war and the value of human life.

The events of September 11, 2001, have magnified Pearl Harbor’s relevance for many, especially those too young to have experienced any enemy combat or attack firsthand. Today, almost 4,500 people visit the USS Arizona Memorial and its shoreside Museum and Visitor Center daily, now armed with a broader perspective of world dynamics and events, and charged with a passion for learning
Remembering those who served and those who continue to protect us.
A big shout out to my friend, Lisa, another brave soldier, serving in Iraq. God-speed, Lisa!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

We're Still Celebrating!!!

Look at little Becky and Rusty!!!

Happy Anniversary to Us!
Terry and I shared a smile this morning, reminiscing about this day 11 years ago - running around picking up palm trees, folding chairs, pouring sand on the basement floor, hanging seashells, and preparing for our "Jamaican Themed Christmas Party".
To think that a month prior, while planning our Chistmas party over a bottle of wine, Terry and I looked at each other with the same thought: "wouldn't it just be fun to surprise everyone at the party, and invite a minister here to marry us?" (Probably the most important bottle of wine we ever shared)
Within that month, we sent out invites to our friends and family with instructions to wear their "Jamaican Best" to our Christmas party on December 3rd. With the help of a few good friends, we worked on getting the basment ready for a party! We hung doors, finished some drywalling, painted and planned our little "suprise wedding".

Patti and Dave - remember hanging all that fabric over the copper piping? Lynn and Diane - remember me freaking out that there weren't enough appetizers? You went into action and just took over the kitchen to make more! We couldn't have done it without all of you! I remember John-Boy coming in from Arizona - dressed in his sweatpants and flip-flops. He asked if we really meant that everyone should wear their "Jamaican Best" and when he saw everyone in shorts and sundresses, he dropped his drawers right in front of Terry's mom ! Thank goodness he had shorts on! And up until the last year or so, we were still finding "Red Stripe Beer" bottles he hid all over the house!

Our best man and best woman, Dave and Diane join us for a pic at our private beach. (yes, it really was only a closet) This picture will always be a reminder of dirty bananas, the bartender that could make drinks that looked like colors of the kites in the Jamacian skies, and the fact that Terry got stuck with the orange swim trunks at the beach shop, instead of Dave!

Thanks to each and every one of you who were there to celebrate with us. We appreciate your continued love and support.

Even after 11 years and a few more wrinkles, we are still so blessed to be able to look at each other with love, like we did that night. Happy Anniversay Terry - my best friend - my rock - my love.