Thursday, June 16, 2005

"Detainee" Shubornik

Yesterday, Nanook’s passport was returned to him and his name was on the list for the helicopter and charter flights out of Kupol to Nome. Today he will fly from Nome to Milwaukee. With this good news, there is also some not so good news.

Shubornik’s passport was not returned to him and his name was not on the list. He was asked to stay for another week to continue to train the crew. (We knew you should have given up the camera, Larry!!!)

So, while I am so excited that Terry is coming home, I can’t help but feel sad that Pam and their daughter Kristen will be waiting another week for their dear Shubornik and missing Father’s Day with him. Imagine their disappointment.

So - everybody get back on your knees and ask the Big Guy Upstairs to help them get through another week without him. Hang in there Pam and Kristen!


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