The "Almost International Incident"
June 11, 2005
Here are some details on the "almost international incident" I mentioned the other day. Larry and several of his Russian friends went fishing a few nights ago without an interpreter. Not a big problem - what trouble can you get into fishing? So off they go for another of those "one hour" trips that lasted 3 hours. During the trip, conversations went back and forth regarding the photos he was taking. The conversations that they hold seem to require quite a bit of arm waving and Da Da Da’s. (yes, yes, yes) This continued throughout the expedition and when they returned, the three Russians demanded Larry give them his NEW digital camera. Larry kept saying "no, no, no, but they persisted. (side note from Wife of Nanook – maybe Larry should have tried "nyet, nyet, nyet instead….)
Now Larry and the Russians are searching the entire camp at 11:00 pm for an interpreter to settle this. They actually held a makeshift court for Larry to plead his case. In the end they let Larry keep his camera but every conversation he holds with them now, starts out with "no camera". Then they say Da, Da, da with a few other words added in. Our interpreter just laughs at the whole thing, but I’ve been hiding my camera just in case Larry offers up mine.
There was another story I wanted to tell but I got off track with the thong sighting and lost my train of thought. Took a break and finished watching a movie "Motor Cycle Diaries" hoping I would remember…nothing.
10:26 pm - good night.
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