Thursday, May 26, 2005

May 25th
No daily musings from Nanook today. Every morning, when I wake up, I dash off to my computer in anticipation of reading all the e-mails from him. (side note: if I wake up in the middle of the night, I’m sorely tempted to go read my e-mails, cuz I know they come in about 3am from him. But I talk myself into saving the excitement for the morning!)
When I got up this morning to check my them, his "daily musings" e-mail was blank! But the next one I received from him said that he tried to call last night but the phones were out, so he’d try today. Just got off the phone with him – it was 630am Nanook time, and 12:30pm our time.
He said it’s cold and damp, with the winds blowing about 20 miles an hour. Last night he didn’t have the energy for a shower. When the permafrost starts to thaw, the moisture gets into the air and it’s pretty miserable. Add snow and the wind chill to that and I can see where misery might creep in.
They’re still waiting for the parts from the US, which won’t arrive until June 2nd. He said without their own tools and parts, they spend a lot of the day wandering around the camp looking for some to fit their needs. Most of the crew that was working with them left yesterday, so it’s pretty much just the 2 of them working on their equipment.
I think the novelty is starting to wear off for them, and the reality of being there for 3 more weeks is setting in. I miss him a lot, (as does our lawn – I’m sure the neighbors get a hoot out of watching me try to use the lawn tractor!) but at least we’re enjoying weather in the 60’s with no permafrost or snow to cloud our days. His e-mails and sporadic calls are a blessing to me. I miss his big blue eyes, his bear-hugs, and working on finishing the lower level with him. (okay – I lied – I don’t miss the drywalling at ALL!)
Just miss knockin’ around the house with him. Keep your chin up, Nanook, and know that everyone is sending you warm wishes.


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