Saturday, August 06, 2005

Margarita Friday...For Real

Finally, Nanook enjoys Kareoke Friday on the deck, with Jimmy Buffett wailing in the background. Becky came out for lunch to welcome him home and Russ joined us for dinner. We all agreed it was really good to have him back.

Sent him off to see the doctor this morning about the cough - he's got more antibiotics again. He likes the fact that they come with labels and an informational sheet, unlike the "white pills" that are given out for ANY illness in Kupol by Nurse Ratchet.

Do you think he likes what I did to the "weed" garden? Thanks to my buddy Fred for "lifting" the For Sale sign a few weeks ago, to welcome Terry home.

Well, off for another nap!!! Geez, I love this jet-lag of his.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Come and get it, Terry!

Your cold meds are ready and waiting at home...

August 4, 2005

Terry called yesterday to say that he was set for the flight and was waiting for the helicopter to arrive at Kupol.

He'll fly from Kupol to Bilibino, Kemperveeum and on to Anadyr, where he gets to meet the border patrol guard with the gold teeth and the funny looking official hats.

Then they pick up the Bering Air charter flight to Nome, where he'll spend the night. Still no access to a drugstore or gift shop to get his hands on some cough drops. (here's a pic of his hotel room in Nome)

This morning he'll catch an Alaskan Air flight to Anchorage. This is where he can finally get some cold meds and hopefully medicate himself enough to sleep on the plane.

Check back for updates in a day or so. I'm sure he'll have more stories to share.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Wednesday August 3 2005

Sorry for the lack of update today. Just got my computer back and am busy fighting to re-install everything. I promise an update on Thursday, but just so you know - Terry called today and was all set for his flight out. He should make it to Nome, AK by midnight, overnight at a little hotel there, then off to Anchorage tomorrow morning and eventually home tomorrow night. At least I think that's what I heard during all his coughing....

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Mr. Fixit - Anatoli

Coughing through the countdown....

What was left of the crew - after our14-hour day

August 2, 2005

Note from Beth: My computer crashed yesterday morning before I was able to update the blog. (Remember when I told Nanook that he’d have to figure out how to hook his computer back up, cuz he didn’t number the ports and plugs before he left?) Well, let me just tell you – it’s AMAZING how quickly you find the drive to figure it out yourself when you really want Internet Access! 15 minutes later, I’m back on-line on HIS computer and am even able to get my e-mail through Road Runner’s WEB-Mail. Ah, the wonders of technology. There wasn’t much to put on here yesterday, as Nanook’s pretty run down and miserable. I’ll post the pictures he sent below. He told me that people are avoiding him because every time he tries to talk, he starts coughing and it’s quite irritating to all. He just wants to get home and get healthy. I'm sitting at his computer this morning and see 2 Hall's Cough Drops on his desk...

Here are his notes from today:

Things went well today, poured 25 meters; tomorrow we will pour 50 plus meters and the next day I don't care.

Randy was informed he will be overseeing the plant when I leave. So I gave him a quick briefing today and tomorrow we will go over more.

Not much else going on, just want to get some sleep maybe watch the movie "Kill Bill". Love you and will see you soon.

Luda's Husband Alix looking busy....

Self portrait

The morning drive crew - up the hill and off to work.